Wednesday, April 22, 2009


If you have someone you can bond with or call on, you have a friend or some people like to just say associate. A lot of people take the word very serious. I feel friendships are one of the most important characteristics of human interaction. Your family is chosen, but your friends you pick. Family members can also be friends. I value friendship. I believe I have the greatest group of friends anyone can ask for. I even include the friends of friends my friends. I don't take the word as serious as others. I can call someone I meet a few times a friend. What has that person done to me to downgrade them to an associate. Probably nothing. Just because you aren't in my inner circle doesn't mean we can't be friends. The people in the inner circle are a different kind of friend though. They are more like family. These are the people you will kill for, go to jail with and definitely make money and celebrate life with. I wouldn't take all of the money in the world if I couldn't have my friends around to enjoy it with me. I know this may sound a bit trite but it is very true. And not all people think like this.

The saying in my inner circle is "You must get 'juked'. It comes with the territory." Just basically expect things to happen. Your friends will ask you for some outstanding favors at moments you definitely don't want to do it, but you are almost obligated to do. For example, it is New Year's Eve and your friends a flight to catch. It is snowing and the airport is 30 minutes away and you thought they had another form of transportation, but they don't. You don't have anything super important to do, so you have to take them to the airport. Meaning of super important work, court, funeral and etc. If you need to go get a haircut or wanted to go to the mall or even worst want to go see the new guy/girl you just met(definitely forget that). Oh well, I'm sorry that will have to wait for another day. So you just except that you're friends just got you. But your day will come and you will be able to get them back with some off the wall favor. You don't get mad just except it. And don't do you favors out of spike. Situations will arise in your life where you will need to call on a friend and when you remember that they "juked" you a few weeks earlier a smile will come to your face.

All a friendship needs to be successful is loyalty and honesty. Just be real with each other. Of course there will be times that that person is pestering you. That is when you tell them. Or sometimes you don't have to because the friend will usually know when and when not to bother you. Love and respect your friends and thank each other for teaching each other how to be not just better friends but better people.

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