The Drink of the Week is:
In essence to my friend Greene throwing a "Bring back SpringBreak Party" right before the end of the semester and his main drink of the night is the Slushy. Therefore, the drink of the week is Slushies. Choose any flavor you like. If you've ever been to Wet Willies or Fat Tuesday's you know what I mean. I want a 190 octane with an extra shot as we speak. All you need is liquor with a high percentage of alcohol preferably Everclear, ice, blender and whatever you else you want to mix with it. It's a beautiful weekend for must of us on the East Coast; so take advantage of the weather and have a slushy. You can even go to 7-11 buy a slurpee and add the liquor yourself. Whatever you decide to do. Just make sure you drink responsibly.
I like STRAWBERRY... but if you can't find a wet willies near you any slushy will do IE sonic, local gas station, Burger King and then add your fav liquor....