Vacation is a period of suspension of work, study, or other activity, usually used for rest, recreation, or travel; recess or holiday,( We all need vacations. They are necessary to keep balance and peace in your busy life. Whether you are a student, astronaut, police officer or worker at McDonald's you need a vacation. And not all vacations require a million dollar budget--we all can't afford to go to the Cayman Islands on a cruise or Miami for spring break. But everyone can afford to set aside "me time." It is possible to vacation in your house.
The main reason for vacations is to rest and relax your mind and body. So why can't you do that on a regular day off? You can, I say you should take a vacation anytime work, school or life in general is becoming too much. Just sit back and put everything in perspective and restart your mind and body. The new refreshing state of mind will relieve stress and make most things a lot more tolerable. Now your next door neighbor's dog, or your professor or boss will not aggravate you as much.
But if you do have the means to travel on your vacation. By all means please do. Don't waste your time doing your taxes or cleaning out the garage. You can do that some other time. Book a flight to somewhere--where the water is clear blue, the sand is white and the liquor is cheap. And enjoy yourself. Life is about enjoying it. Try your best to keep a pollyanish attitude about the ills that life may offer because you always can say to yourself it can be worst. Because it truly can be worst.
A few vacation spots I recommend are:
5.Cayman Islands
And if you don't want to go tropical:
6.Washington DC
8.New York City
9.Los Angeles
10.Las Vegas
I like your vacation suggestions. I am looking forward going on a Cruise to the Cayman Islands and really look forward swimming with the dolphins on Grand Cayman. Everyone is saying it is a blast. Any vacation right now, sounds good. God Bless,