Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Respect your elders; no really give them attentive respect. Do not just hold the door and say hi because you feel like you have too. Treat them like the humans they are. They are more than capable of holding full conversations and unlike talking to your peers you can learn a lot of new old information. New to you, old to them.

Elders aren't aliens from out of space; they are YOU in a few years! Many youngsters find themselves too busy to slow down for grandma and grandpa; some are even too fast to deal with mom and dad. But imagine if they wouldn't have slowed down for you! HMMMM, where would you be?

Hey you cute girl strutting along in your 3 inch heels, song glasses and low cut top with your 3 letters on you chest, walking so high and pretty. Too high off yourself to see the older soror sitting on the plot looking hot and thirsty. Let me remind you if it wasn't for her working to build the foundation of this sorority you wouldn't be able to wear those colors and please believe back in her day she had on her bell bottoms and heels. Now arthritis has kicked in, like it will do to you one day. The moral of the story is DO NOT THINK YOU CREATED THE WHEEL, BECAUSE IT HAS BEEN SPINNING FOR YEARS. If anything talking to the elders can help you improve your spins.

Now imagine sitting alone at home everyday and that’s it, no real calls, no real activity. Sunday you go to church and then you return home. Family pops in for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Christmas/birthday gifts consist of ties, housecoat, Wal-mart gift card and that's as creative as it gets. To add to this the economy is a mess and you are just trying to live off your little retirement. You have 2 kids and 4 grand kids. The grand kids are in college or in early stages of their career, so they don't come or call often because they are so wrapped up in themselves.

This to me is bull. Cards are available at the dollar tree, 2 for $1. The same price or less than Wendy's value items, entrance to a club or new clothes. So why is it you haven't sent the family an "I Love you", "I miss you", "Just thinking of you", "Thank you for all you do" card? The card is 50 cent and the stamp is 42 cent. Add a few words from the heart and you just made grandpa/ma's day. When you are home for a break take them to breakfast or lunch, go to church with them and while you are out if you have a few extra dollars stop by the grocery store and picks up some things for their house, if they need it.

Life is short and there is no need to look back and think I wish I could see grandma again. Why so you can walk by her? Take advantage of what you have now, all it takes is a little time and attention. Help me take all the don'ts and DO NOTS out of this article but most of all take them out of your life.

HELPFUL HINTS TO STAY IN TOUCH (can be used for all family members and friends)
1. Set a weekly reminder in your phone to call home, grandpas and a random friend that you haven't talked to in months.
2. Go to dollar tree on pay day and spend $5 on cards, that's 10 cards. Get birthday, thinking of you and just because and sympathy. This way you can always have a card on hand when an occasion pops up (got that from my mom)
3. Do a family weekend. Invite the family to your new city or new home, including mom, dad, aunts, and grandparents. (You want to keep it to immediate family unless you are hosting the family reunion.)
4. Back to the lovely elders. Use your grandparents as venting tools. When you need to talk give them a call they would love to listen and more than likely they will be on your side.
5. Honestly sit down and think about your life in 40 years (if the world still exists by then), picture how you want to be living and see if that is how the elders in your life are living. Do you want to travel? Do you want to sleep all day and shop all afternoon? Do you see yourself alone???????? I'm sure you don’t and I'm sure they didn't have that plan either, so do unto others as you pray others will do unto you.

Ok enough of me talking go call your family especially the elders. They can't wait to hear your voice!


  1. This is soooo so true! I grew up in a very large family with so many elders around and I'm always appalled to see how our generation has so much apathy toward them. Not too long ago I thought my career path was going to lead me into geriatrics because I care about our oldest population that much!

    These are great tips... that's for sharing!

  2. Thanks for reading and leaving a comment.. I always love to meet a fellow lover of the elders... They are just so darn GREAT. ...

  3. This post came right on time. I too come from a very large family and it is very difficult to keep in touch with everyone. Recently I've been telling myself that I would start doing a better job at communicating with family and this post will be my motivation to do so. Thanks Tiff. You never know how much a few words of inspiration can affect someones life....Another great read.

  4. yayyyy I am so super excited that I could help. Pass the message on to a friend or two.
