Wednesday, February 4, 2009

WATCH it before you BUY it!!!!

WATCH it before you BUY it

From one implusive shopper to another, we must calm down during these finically trying times. Now don’t get me wrong if you see a must have that is dirt cheap (according to your budget) by all means snag it immediately before the other shopoholic eyeing the item comes to grab it.

I am referring to calming down on the regular priced items, for example the new designer sandals that they are stocking the shelves with right now. In most states the temperature is still too cold to even say the word sandal let alone purchase a pair. With that said this is the perfect chance to “Watch before you buy”. Give the store a few weeks or even a month those same shoes will be at least 30 perfect off. If you are really brave wait a month and a half and get 50% off, however you do risk the chance of your size being gone.

Learn the store policy some places you can return an item with the receipt and repurchase for the new sale price. If this is the case go ahead and buy the shoes and return them when they go on sale, BUT MAKE SURE YOU KEEP THE RECEIPT. Now I do not suggest this to someone who has no self control. I would hate for a big event to pop up and you grab those shoes from your closet the day after you bought them, because that would defeat the entire plan. I also would not suggest this as a regular activity at the same store, it will just become tacky and they may change the policy based on your behavior which would ruin it for all shopoholics.

Wear your un-purchased sandals with different outfits to see if they are even worth the money. How can you wear them and you haven’t bought them, easy. Week one stop by the store after work and try the shoes on with your favorite work outfit, does the shoe fit in with your work style? Next week stop by on Saturday with your regular mall gear on, do these shoes look good with your casual attire? Now stop by with one of your sexy after 6 dresses and give the shoes a last look over, are they really as cute as you thought? Last but not least take a picture with your camera phone and send to your best friend and ask them their opinion. When all these task are complete you should be ready to buy.

Now be prepared because as long as this month has seemed when you return to this store in a month and a half or two months the shoes are going to be even cheaper so do not get mad at the store or yourself you had to have them . Now wear them with pride and start this cycle over with the new heels in the front on display. Yes they are fly but they are $250 so wait a few weeks. Remember WATCH before you BUY and Happy Shopping!

Note: This process can be used on clothes, people, shoes etc J!!

Tiffany R. Balmer
SHOPoholic #1


  1. Impulse spending has always been my downfall, i'm trying to kick the habit. Women and shoes, I'll never understand it..

  2. That was hilarious...I didn't realize that there was an art to shopping for clothing and Great stuff Tiff, keep it up. I look forward to reading your next blog post.

  3. yall just made my day.. thanks for leaving a comment. I plan to post more

  4. Just came back from da mall with a shirt that cost $125 on the tag for $25 cash.

  5. Hey Tiffany!! I just found your blog... via crackbook! haha I love this post... I am the QUEEN of "watching" items before I buy... mainly because I'm extremely frugal.

    Take for example, that dress you saw me in on NYE?? Express 100% silk dress, originally $120... I paid $20 for it because I caught it on one of their sales +50% off all sales items. I've worn it like 5 times? SOOOO that comes to about $4 per use....

    That's how I shop!! lol

    Love the blog, I'm linking you on mine!
