Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Yes We Did!!!

On January 3, 2008 a young senator from the state of Lincoln stated these words after a surprise win in the Iowa Caucus in the Democratic primary.

“They said this day would never come. They said our sights were set too high. They said this country was too divided; too disillusioned to ever come together around a common purpose.

But on this January night – at this defining moment in history – you have done what the cynics said we couldn’t do; what the state of New Hampshire can do in five days; what America can do in this New Year. In schools and churches; small towns and big cities; you came together as Democrats, Republicans and Independents to stand up and say that we are one nation; we are one people; and our time for change has come.

You said the time has come to move beyond the bitterness and pettiness and anger that’s consumed Washington; to end the political strategy that’s been all about division and make it about addition – to build a coalition for change that stretches through Red States and Blue States. Because that’s how we’ll win in November, and that’s how we’ll finally meet the challenges we face.

The time has come to tell the lobbyists who think their money and their influence speak louder than our voices that they don’t own this government, we do; and we’re here to take it back.

The time has come for a President who’ll be honest about the choices and the challenges we face; who’ll listen to you even when we disagree; who won’t just tell you what you want to hear, but what you need to know. And New Hampshire, if you give me the same chance that Iowa did tonight, I will be that President for America.”

This young senator was Barack Obama. Even though New Hampshire didn’t give him that chance, America did. On November 4, 2008 Barack Obama was set to become the 44th president of the United State of America.

Barack Obama’s victory was a major event in the history of the United States. Not only because he is the first “known” nonwhite man to become president of the United States. His election was so special because it is the first time in the 233 year history of this country that people from all different types of background could be proud of the actions of their country. This event differed from others because the masses came to together and were excited about the outcome. There weren’t one or two groups that enjoyed the success of this man. Happiness and joy sprung from all pieces of the globe.

I made the journey to Washington, DC to be a part of history and attend the 56th inauguration to witness with my own eyes the swearing in of our 44th president. The city was electric the whole weekend, but nothing compared to that Tuesday, January 20th. People started to pack the metro train system at 3am for an event that did not start for another seven hours. People with tickets stood in lines that were miles long with no major complaints. People waited for half a day to catch a glimpse of the man they voted for. It wasn’t just a few diehard fans that packed the National Mall. Close to 2 million people packed the mall and parade route that day, just so they could be part of history.

In a country where racism is still strong and very much alive, a biracial man whose father came from the African country of Kenya and mother came from the corn fields of Kansas, can now lead the country. His words, beliefs and honesty about what is going on in the world today brought millions of strangers from being strangers to being a proud American family.

His story proves that America is the place for dreams to come true no matter your situation. As long as you lead yourself and your family in the right direction positive things can happen.

He showed little kids that it is cool to go to school and get your education. That if you work hard and if you believe in yourself all of your dreams can come true. Being positive and carrying yourself in a mature manner does more for you at the end of the day than showing off all your flaws and being ignorant.

He made the racists of the world realize that their thoughts about the other race are wrong and rude. There are people of all races who have families that work to survive and have respect. He has made adults take responsibility for their own actions and not think its ok to blame it on the system. Responsibility is a word he used often on the campaign trail and I HOPE everyone listened as he said it. He is not in office to make your life better he is in office to assist you in making your life better and your neighbors. If you choose not to help yourself or your neighbor - how can he?

As people from all different walks of life stood on the National Mall together, I realized that this country was finally starting to grow up. That after over 300 hundred years of slavery and oppression, after being shot down with water hoses and being treated like second class citizens, we all stood there as equals. That after eight years of one of the worst (if not the worst) presidents in the history of this country, we as a people did not let the race of the best candidate hold us back.

Even though things in this country might not be perfect, things are starting to head in the right direction. I know there are still ignorant people in this country who hate the people because of their skin color. Not realizing that the only reason they have hatred for them is because of their own shortcomings and inabilities as people.

These few dimwits are not stopping the rest of us from realizing that being proud of your heritage does not mean that the next man is not as good as you because he is a few shades lighter or darker than you.

This is a country where a black man could not drink from the same water fountain, let alone sit at the same counter as there white counterparts, let alone cast an actual vote in some parts of this country only 50 years ago. Congrats President Obama!!! The election of President Barack Obama taught us that we are all one group of people, that we are all Americans. And, may God bless America!!!

We at CLASS would like to know what you think this historic event will mean to our country. Please feel free to leave a comment below. Thank You.

1 comment:

  1. OMG.. As much as I talk I still cannot find the proper words to explain all the GREATness that was the inauguration.. I stood outside from 4:30 am until 2:00pm and although I lost the feeling in my hands, feet and ankles I wouldn’t have been anywhere else for any amount of money (ok maybe for a few million I would have watched it on TV lmao). It was unity, it was amazing, it was breath taking, it was ....... and there it is.. That face that you get when you can’t believe something, that’s the face I have right now... All types of people filled the NATIONAL MALL and I just wanted to hug No really if you know me that’s huge..ha

